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IELTS for all?????

gaz n family

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I went to the Expo on the Australia house the other week (not very sucessful for me personally, as said on here, i can now agree, it was a waste of time, unless you are very new to the process in, my opinion)


Anyway, i have had a positive trade certificate, thankfully my trade remained on the list. but whilst at the Expo i was advised that dispite having the TRA certificate, i may still have to do the IELTS.


Currently i have not done it, do you know if they are making all State Sponsor Applications compulsory?


If it helps i TRA passed as an Aircraft Engineer Avionics.

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Guest spongebob

OH went to the expo at Australia house and thought it was a bit of waste of time also but did enjoy having a chat with people. Had a long chat with the lady from the ACT cos she looked bored no one was talking to her, so he went over and had a really long chat about Australia in general. Cheered him up! lol :cute: Couple of the states did take his CV to pass round companies which may/may not be encouraging.


He wasn't told as an Electronic Engineer to do the IELT's (is that what they are called? I forget) by anyone as far as I know. The emphasis he had was get a job and a permanent job sponsorship then there would be no worries getting in.


Hope this helps? Surely if all people going for sponsorship had to do them, then he would have been told to too?


good luck.


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Spongebob. Yep, pretty much what happened to me, well except the IELTS, i did think one of the recruiters was rude. Now as we all now know, we were only "invited" if our trade suited recruiters etc, so i popped to the HAYs stand, it would seem i had disturbed the guys peace and quiet. I tried to strike up some conversation about jobs and engineering (considering he was sat right under a sign saying plenty of engineering jobs) so which it seem to take up all his efforts to say, no, unless your in mining and energy we not interested. Mmmm i got the message, thanked him so much for his time and efforts but it was VERY geared to medical servicies IMO. I did leave my CV with a couple of states also, although i wont hold my breath. I cannot remember which state it was, might have been WA but they said irrespective of job, first language and any other issue, she thinks with their new SMP that IELTS will be compulsory.


Now i have never looked at the exam, but i would like to hope, being english it should just be a formality, but if it is needed, i would rather do it now to prevent any delays once the flood gates open.

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Guest jason7167

Hi Gaz and family,

i am a Aircraft Mechanical Engineer in Brisbane, and i had to do it for my points, as i was over 40. It cost me 100 pounds and gave me enough points for a skilled migration visa.

why are you not going down the skilled migration visa road as avionics guys are in demand out here.

The test is a joke easy enough but you need all 7.5's out of 10, there are practice tests on line, google ielts. its only 100 and a day of pain, get it done it all helps good luck.

any help i can be i will


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  • 2 weeks later...

Jason Sorry for my delay, been V busy at home and work.


I am in the same boat as you, over 40 (JUST!!!!) so was advised my only option is a state sponsor. So at the time we chose WA as they wanted AEs including Avionics. but typical me, bad timing on everything i do, i am still awaiting (like many others) the new State migration plan.

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Guest Gollywobbler
I went to the Expo on the Australia house the other week (not very sucessful for me personally, as said on here, i can now agree, it was a waste of time, unless you are very new to the process in, my opinion)


Anyway, i have had a positive trade certificate, thankfully my trade remained on the list. but whilst at the Expo i was advised that dispite having the TRA certificate, i may still have to do the IELTS.


Currently i have not done it, do you know if they are making all State Sponsor Applications compulsory?


If it helps i TRA passed as an Aircraft Engineer Avionics.


Hi Gaz


There is a rumour going around that WA are allegedly muttering that they are likely to want all the applicants for SMP sponsorship to be able to demonstrate IELTS 7.0 or above in all four modules of the General IELTS.


In some ways, this is unfair to applicants who are not native English speakers. It is also unfair on anybody who might be very good at his/her job but who happens to be dyslexic.


There is a rumour that more people have applied to WA than WA can provide SMP sponsorship for, or that might well happen, so it might be a device to whittle down the numbers of applicants for SMP sponsorship.


However, please DO NOT do anything on the strength of mere rumours. Let us wait for the publication of the SMPS and the criteria that each State sets for SMP sponsorship. Whereabouts in Oz do you want to move to, please?





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We are open to offers anywhere in Aus to be honest.


We chose WA - Perth area as we have a couple of friends who made the move a few years ago, that way we will have some emotional support (and we might be able to abuse our friendship if needed) i.e. a few nights on the sofa, or borrow a car for the day, etc etc. But i am getting sick of waiting for the details to be released, i know we are all in the same boat, but still doesnt stop me getting fed up. COME ON OZ, GET ON WITH IT....

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Guest jason7167

Hi gaz


With regards to ielts, if the moderator thinks all state sponsore need a 7.0 i would get in there now as they become booked up v quickly, not all with migrating people, the one i went to had lots of people doing it to study in the uk, " they only needed a 3.5".

I had to waite 7 weeks for a course, otherwise travel a long way, its only 100 ish, and you'd be in prime position if they announce you need an ielts score, as you see every person waiting for state sponsorship book a ielts test, you will waite months ????.


Having people you know when you migrate is a big help, a graet source of info, but you need to go where the work is likley to be. I moved a lomg way away from a cousin to get a job.

Good luck and be proactive

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